We have encountered problems where customers have used some popular domain search tools, even at one of the registries, only to find the domain is "seized," and the only place you can buy it is where you did the search. This may not seem like a problem at first blush, but consider the situation where you may not be ready to actually purchase the domain. We found that the domain, while in the possession of the registry, was also up for grabs - that is, anyone who knows about the domain or who may be watching could just buy the domain out from under you.
No reputable registry will do this to you. So, who can you trust? If you are considering a new domain and want to try out a few combinations, in other words, search to see if the domain has been registered yet, please contact us. We are experienced with domain searches, and we can make sure that the domain you want is sold to you -- and only to you.
I am the first time on this site and am really enthusiastic about and so many good articles .domain hosting services
I am not encountered this problem. Now many new domain search tools are there. They are providing good service. I had searched and registered my domain name by using Domain name search tool. It's comfortable and good place for my website.
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